Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” Video begs the question, “Why you gotta be so ‘Mean’?” – Video Review

At first watch Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” opening scene reminded me of video games I would have banned from my boys growing up.
The further the footage the more damage the video did to society, the Swifties and the song’s lyric (as heavy as they are on their own).
But most concernedly, I wondered, what happened to the peace-loving, sensible Swift millions have come to know, love and respect worldwide – the young lady who amassed a mammoth following by teaching today’s youth respectful tools for navigating this crazy world – the Taylor who affected the operation of multi-billion dollar Apple with eloquence, not arrogance?
Suddenly Taylor’s gone from comforting the victim of bullying to masterminding violent, weapon-yielding revenge.
Truth be told, I had a hard time understanding the video’s message. It was like a hybrid of Star-Wars-hooks-up-with-50-Shades-of-Grey (no I did not watch nor read 50 Shades). “Bad Blood” is an unacceptable, over-the-top response to being betrayed, ending with standing in sisterly solidarity for a deed well done. (Please, Taylor, that’s not how mature females act whatsoever)
In this day and age when guns, violence and deadly protests seem to be the chosen voice of communication, I’m highly disappointed with the entire “Bad Blood” cast for partaking in sending a message to today’s youth that this behavior is the way to handle being jaded. This isn’t feminism. This isn’t girl power. This is multi-layered sadism dressed in $13,000 worth of sex shop attire – driving a knife through a child’s stuffed teddy bear?
That teddy bear scene was a violent image to leave on such an item of comfort to so many children. I’m terribly confused Taylor, so I can only assume youth may be as well.
We all get injured in life. And it’s our responsibility as adults to teach youth – especially today’s youth – how to handle life’s backstabbers with grace and self-dignity.
“Bad Blood” is in such stark contrast to everything Taylor stood for previously that it begs the question:
“Taylor, why you gotta be so mean?”
Watch both videos below and let’s talk about this:
How does Taylor Swift go from “Mean” to “Bad Blood”?
Taylor Swift – “Mean” (Official) Video
(all rights reserved and belong to Taylor Swift and Big Machine)
Taylor Swift – “Bad Blood” (Official) Video
(all rights reserved and belong to Taylor Swift and Big Machine)